Mystery Boxes!

 Happy Monday! 

I hope you had a great weekend!  We celebrated Pi Day at the end of last week and some St Patrick's Day magic with Lucky Charms yesterday.  It's the magic of tiny holidays at our house that are the most fun! 

At the store, we have our own magic going on at the store!  We have a BIG PILE of Magic Mystery Boxes!  I love that there are themed boxes this time - you can pick a holiday box, a kids box, and more.  We have cardmaking and scrapbooking kits available for $40!  Stuffed with at least $100 worth of product, this is a huge deal!  

You can pick out your own box at this link right here!  Grab one today because they are flying out the door - literally ready to ship!  

If you aren't ready to grab a whole box, I highly recommend sharing with a friend.  My bestie and I used to split packs... we would lay everything out and take turns grabbing one thing at a time until we had divvied it all up.  It was lots of fun to see what someone else picked and only added a *little bit* to my stash!  

Now, go get crafty before they are gone! 


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