March Classes

 Happy March everyone!

I hope you had a great bonus day of the year and are ready to have some crafting time this month.  So, grab your planners and let's find something fun to do!  Plus, new month, new coupon!  

We are kicking off the month at the Farmhouse having a weekend retreat, but next Saturday, we are getting the classes started!

March 9

We have a busy weekend!  Both of our classes are rescheduled from February.  There are still a few seats for the in-person and online classes.  

In the morning, we are starting with this gorgeous, fun painted hearts class.  You can grab an in person seat right here.  And, if you want to catch it virtually (or at a later time!), grab a virtual spot right here!  I am loving all the painting techniques that you will be learning this month - definitely a skill that you will be using again as you paint!  

Missy is bringing her monthly Bible Journaling class and the theme is all about True Love!  This is a great class for beginners or experienced Bible Journalers.  You can get an in person spot at this link right here.  Or, if you want to join in from home or later, you can snag a seat at this link right here.  

March 18-24

We have another Farmhouse Retreat this week!  There are two sessions - a Monday through Thursday and a Thursday through Sunday!  Both are currently full, but if you want to come, I highly recommend hopping on the waitlist.  There is often some last minute moving and shaking.  Grab a waitlist spot right here.  (Plus, you can get future Farmhouse dates at the link too!!)

March 21

Michelle is teaching another amazing Copics class!  If you want to learn more about how to best use your Copics markers, I can't recommend these classes enough!  This month, we are using a LaLa Land Stamp set called Painter Luca.  I am loving the stripes she is creating and all the dimension added to the face!  You can get your spot in the class, that includes the stamp set, at this link right here!

March 30

In the morning, we are starting off with our monthly Bible Journaling class!  The theme is Spring in here are I know that Missy is going to be helping you journal through the Easter holiday!  The class includes the kit and it going to be a so amazing!  You can get a spot in the in-person class right here!  If you want the virtual option, register for the class right here!

After lunch, we are kicking off a new painting journey!  Join us as we start exploring through Watercolor!  This month, we are creating a new watercolor journal, experimenting with some bleeds, and getting started on our watercolor journey!  You can get a spot in person at this link right here! If you want the virtual option, snag a spot at this link right here

And, don't forget to use those March coupons!  For this month, the deal is buy 10 patterned papers, get 10 half off!  This is absolutely perfect with all the new arrivals headed into the store!  Don't forget to redeem this month!  

Plus, just a friendly reminder that we are about two weeks away from our National Scrapbook Weekend No-Frills crop!  It is a laid back weekend that guarantees fun and crafty time with your friends.  It is held at the Embassy Suites (where we usually have our big crops) and is a great getaway before summer starts.  There are just a few seats left, so if you want one, make sure you snag a spot at this link right here!  Plus, I love that you can opt in for extra elbow room in this one :)  It's great for making a lot of messy projects that need some drying time!  

Now, go get crafty and we will see you in class! 


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