Birthday Bash!

 Happy Monday everyone! 

I hope you are having a great day and maybe have a little bit of crafting time set aside for this President's Day!  I spent the weekend cleaning up (and out!) my craft room and it is like a whole new place.  I barely recognize it with all the available counter space! 

I wanted to share some super cute details of an upcoming class next week at the store.... virtually!  We have a bonus day this month and learning how to do something new is a great way to spend your extra day! Michelle is kicking off a three month series in her Watercolor classes.  These classes can be taken independently, but also go together.  This month is featuring the sweetest little birthday set!  

I love making birthday cards at the beginning of the year because it makes me feel like I am ahead of the game all year!  I keep a box of cards on my shelf that I can always pull from at a moment's notice!  This class will help you get ahead of the game with all kinds of sweet and adorable birthday cards perfect for so many people on your list!  

Michelle is a great instructor and you will learn so many things from her.  Since this class is offered viz Zoom, you can take it in your jammies (yay!), but you can also catch it at a later date.  So, if you have a conflict at the time it is offered, you can watch it later - or a second time to refresh your learning.  

Grab a seat to the watercolor class at this link right here! These seats will go really fast and you don't want to miss out!  

(And, as a friendly reminder  - there isn't much time left in the Semi Annual Clearance AND only 10 days left to use your February Super Saver Coupon Book!)

Now, go get crafty!


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