T minus 3 Weeks!

Happy Monday! 

I hope you all had a great weekend!  We are very close to our next Embassy Suites retreat and the time is NOW to start getting ready - maybe! 

If you have your photos printed from a non-local printer, this is the week to get those uploaded and ordered to make sure they arrive in *plenty* of time for the big weekend!  I know lots of you order from different photo services like Shutterfly, Fodo, and my personal favorite Persnickety Prints!  For me, it always takes *way longer* than I think it is going to.  Between sorting through pictures, cropping and editing, then ordering, it can be a several hour process, depending on how much time and what happened in that period - vacation photos and holiday photos can be A LOT!  

I do have a handful of tips and tricks that I use when I am printing photos that I will share with you all!  

Once I have gathered all the photos from my phone, my husband's phone, things that have been emailed and texted and Dropboxed to us, I put them all in one folder on my computer.  Then, in the big folder, I have smaller photo folders with the common sizes I print in: 3x4, 4x6, 5x7, 6x8, collages!  

I then spend a lot of time arduously dragging and dropping the pictures into the folder that is the size I want to print in!  If I am not sure, I often will print the same photo in 2 different sizes.  To me, it is worth the 30 cents to have both choices and not be filled with printing regret.  

Once everything is sorted, I start uploading to the site.  I use Persnickety Prints and in the upload section, you can create different albums to upload to.  I create an upload album for each size picture and then when the photos get loaded into there, I can just blanket check everything here is a 3x4 or a 4x6.  

I don't have to go through each tiny thumbnail to make sure it is the right size and I am not afraid of missing anything.  Also, I can easily make collages, thumbnails, or photostrips because all of those photos are conveniently grouped together!  *TADA*!  

If you are like me and used to hate printing photos because it is chaos - this system has realy helped me and I have drastically decreased the number of misprints and forgotten prints.  

I'll be sharing my tried and true packing list next week as we get ready for the event!  I can't believe that it is right around the corner!  Make sure to keep you eyes on your email too with more details coming straight from Sara about classes, tshirts, and more.  

Now, go get crafty!


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