August Events!

 Happy Wednesday!

Can you believe that it is almost August?!?  This summer has seemed so fast and so slow at the same time.  The kids are headed back to school in the next few weeks and I am excited to have a little bit of routine back into my everyday.  So, grab those calendars and get ready to schedule in a bit of crafty time this month.  

August 3

Join us for our monthly crop!  We have chocolate, Netflix, and space to create all day.  Bring whatever project you are working on and spend the day being creative with friends! You can get a spot on the waitlist at this link right here!

August 17

Rebecca is creating the cutest junk journals this month in the Painting with the City Chicks class.  She is helping you used an upcycles Readers Digest to create this adorable journal.  Plus, you will create a few cute pages inside too!  This is a great class for journalers, mixed media makers, and painters.  You can register for the Zoom class at this link right here!  This is the spot for the in person class is available at this link.  

In the afternoon, Missy is teaching Bible Journaling and this month's theme is Wise Bible Nerd!  These classes are so fun - lots of creativity and fellowship.  You can attend this class online via Zoom at this link right here.  Or, you can join us in the store at this link right here!

August 23-25

We are so excited to be hosting our summer retreat at the Embassy Suites!  The Wizard of Oz theme is sending us right down the Yellow Brick Road for all kinds of fun and games.  This is one of our most popular events and the City Chicks are so excited to see everyone again.  The event is currently sold out, but if you want the chance to attend, be sure to get on the waitlist.  We always have lots of movement right before the event!  All the event details and the waitlist can be found right here!

August 27

It's Scrap Club time!  We love Scrap Club because it is a great opportunity to catch up with a little bit of regular scrapping!  This month, we are featuring the line Let's Scrapbook!  It is great for saving memories from retreats and crops.  We are offering full kits with color instructions this month and you can grab one at this link right here!

Also, August is a new month which means a new coupon too!  Be sure to swing by and redeem yours (or use it online too!).  This month, the coupon is good for cardstock!  This is a great time to beef us your stash or grab some for upcoming holiday cards.  

Now, go get crafty! 


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