Retreat Planning

 Happy Friday everyone! 

I hope everyone had a great week!  We can't wait to see you all at the retreat in ONE WEEK!  It is crunch time around these parts, so make sure that you keep an eye on your inbox for updates and more.  

On Wednesday, I shared my packing list.  You can catch it right here if you missed it!  Today, I want to share some of my creative planning that I do.  There is nothing worse than arriving to my designated creative time and feeling like I don't know where to start!  

I scrapbook at these events and before I go, I make sure you have my pictures printed.  My favorite place to print pictures is Persnickety Prints.  Their prices and quality are amazing!  After I have my prints in hand, I go ahead and sort into layouts.  I drop them into their page protectors and include any extras I may have to go with them (ticket stubs, papers, flyers, etc).  That way, when it is time to scrap, I have everything I need.  I still have pictures in page protectors from last time, so I make sure to flip through the pictures and pages I prepped to get excited and be in the right mental space.  

I also love to use my tv time in the evening to go on a Pinterest/Instagram liking and saving spree.  Find a good place to save the layouts or cards to and just save a ton.  I never know what will strike when I get there, so I try to have a lot of options ready to go.  

The last thing I like to have ready to go is my entertainment.  I love to have a queue of either a podcast to listen to, YouTube videos to follow along with, or Netflix to watch.  Go ahead and make a plan or a list so it is one less decision to make!  Also in the entertainment category, I like to make sure I have a variety of snacks.  I don't want to get distracted because I can't stop thinking about Cheez-Its!

What do you like to do to prepare for the retreat?!?

Now, go get ready!


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