Say Cheese!

 Happy Wednesday!  

Who made a quick trip to see the Mouse over Spring Break?  Anyone planning a summer  trip?  I have some amazing news!  We are so excited to have some brand new Simple Stories coming in the at is *perfect* for making the most of your memories!  

Simple Stories is releasing more of their delightful Say Cheese! line and it is everything you need!  In addition to the traditional Say Cheese release, they have another one too!  There are a ton of mini-lines that are perfect for every section of the Magic Kingdom!  We are thrilled to share Say Cheese Adventure, Say Cheese Fantasy, Say Cheese Frontier, and Say Cheese Tomorrow!  Each of these is a mini-kit with a handful of  papers, embellies, and page kits available. 

And, here is the full Say Cheese line! 

I love all the tiny details and I love how each of mini-lines fit perfectly with the park experience!  I mean, those tiki birds in Adventureland are giving me major heart eyes!  The only bummer is that these lines won't ship for a few more months - we are expecting July!  So, go ahead and get those pictures printed and edited so you can toss them in an album as soon as the lines arrive!  

They are not available for pre-order online, but you can call the store and get your favorites added to the order book! 

Now, go get crafty!


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