September Events!

 Hi Friends!

Can you believe that is is already September!?!  It's fall (almost) and we are excited to get pumped for the holiday seasons!  

We have a few classes this month - right now, everything is still being held virtually!  

September 6, 2021

I am loving these adorably spooky gnomes!  Michelle is going to share a ton of techniques to increase your Copics skills... AND they will be the star of your fall cards!  You can register for the class right here!

September 23-27 

We are back to hosting the biggest, most epic Yard Sale!  You can get more information on the website right here! We have missed 3 events, so we are combining them all for extra days, extra sales, and tons of goodies!!!!  It is one of our favorite things and incredibly well attended!  Don't forget to swing by the store to grab your tags!  

I know more classes will be added as we go, so be sure to stay tuned here and on the website!
Now, go get crafty!


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