Simple Stories Update!

 Howdy friends! 

I am here to share a tiny bit of slightly sad news... and some goodies too from our friends at Simple Stories!  If you caught the live sale a few weeks ago, Sara had shared that they have had a slight shipping delay.  Here is the official "latest" from the people at Simple Stories! 

This applies to just a few of the lines, and we PROMISE, they are coming!  There is no official ETA at this point.  However, you can still call and preorder any parts that you want and I think there will be the most joyous happy dance and facebook post when they do finally make it to the store.  

So, while you are awaiting your new goodies from Simple Stories, I wanted to share some of my favorites from their travel line from this year, Safe Travels!  We just got back from a trip and I am already thinking of how I am going to document our slightly soggy beach trip!  Right now, in this one section of the Idea Gallery, there are 131 photos of projects made featuring this line!

You can find all of these projects and more over at Simple Stories idea headquarters - the Idea Gallery!

Now, go get crafty (and preorder your favorites)!


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