Paige's New Line!

 Hey everyone!

I don't know about the rest of you, but I am super excited about all the paper lines who are having reveals over the next few weeks!  Fall and Christmas lines will be here really soon (I can't believe it!) and we will be sharing lots of them on the blog next week!

But today, I wanted to remind you that Paige Evans is sharing her brand new line TODAY!  You can tune in to watch her live at 11est!  The best place is to sign up through her newsletter - follow this link here - if you aren't already a member!  I'll be sharing some pictures and goodies here on the blog soon too! 

And, yes, we already have ALL of it on order!  I don't have an expected arrival date yet, but we will let you know once I have that information.  If you just can't wait and don't want to miss out, feel free to call the store and have your favorites added to the Order Book and we will pull them for you as soon as the boxes hit the steps!

Now, go get crafty!

PS - Don't forget to join us for our Facebook live sale TOMORROW at 8pm! 


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