Best In Show!

Happy Monday friends!

I hope you all are feeling refreshed after the weekend!  Anyone hang out at the Fair?  Growing up, we went to the NC State Fair and my family always spent lots of time walking through the exhibits and farm animals and crafters tents and less time on the rides.  Let the record show that we are not farmers :)

If you didn't know, we here at Scrappin' In The City get to sponsor and judge the paper crafting section of crafts at the Tennessee Valley Fair!  Sara zipped over the other week to do the judging and is sharing the best in show!  These awesome winners will get a Scrappin' In The Ciy gift card and bragging rights for the year!

These two are the Best in Show for the Scrapbook Layouts and the Card competition! 

These are all the pieces and parts waiting for Sara's ruling! 

 We would love to see your entries next year!  Be sure to swing by the Fair to see all the goodies available in the craft tent!

Now, go get crafty for next year!


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