Back to New School Year!

Can you believe the school year has already started?  It seems like we were just celebrating the end of the year!

For me, this is kind of my "New Year" to celebrate rather than January 1st.  I always make my "Back to School Resolutions", restart my planner, and enjoy the beginning of a new routine!  Since the last school year, we have moved to a new city, I have started new jobs and new hobbies, and have many new opportunities in front of me!  So today, I wanted to share a few of my resolutions for a creative new year!

#1 - Read more books!
I know that when I read, my brain relaxes and I have a million more creative thoughts!  I have been really intentional about putting down my phone and picking up a book for a few minutes everyday.  I think it models great behavior for my little one and I am so much less stressed when I don't feel Insta-jealous!  Later this month, we will have an awesome reading page that is perfect for your bullet journal/planner available as a free printable!

#2 - Take a few minutes to journal!
Don't you hate it when you sit down to scrapbook something a few weeks years after it happened and you can't remember the adorable thing your kid said or exactly what was happening?  This is so frustrating to me and my goal is to write down those cute things AND remember where I put it... so into my day planner they go!

#3 - Take a few minutes for myself!
Whether it is lettering, scrapbooking, reading, or taking a shower, a few minutes for a deep breath and introspection makes me a waaaay more patient human being to be around.  And, I am going to cut myself a little bit of slack!  I am certainly not perfect and not quite sure why I am holding myself to impossible standards.  If I really wanted to get everything on my list done today, I need a team of professional assistants!

#4 - Clear It Out!
The less stuff I have, the easier it is to keep my life neat and organized.  I have a renewed vigor to fill up a few boxes for Goodwill and the Yard Sale.  If I haven't used it... out it goes!

#5 - Try Something New
I think this is similar to a few others, but I am going to challenge myself to try something new.  This challenge brought my to hand lettering last year, and I can't wait to see where I go this year.  I am so afraid of being bad at something, I often skip out on new opportunities.  So this year, no matter how bad I am,  I am going to try something new and give it a real effort!

#6 - Make a New Friend
Last one, I promise!  Since moving to a new place, I realized just how much I relied on the same core group of people (I miss you guys!) and I have to buck up and talk to strangers!  So, this year, I challenge you to say hello to the person sitting next to you at the crop, at a ball game, or in the park!  New friends can be awesome and make our hearts and the village we raise our families in a little bit bigger!

I want to hear from you all - do you make back-to-school resolutions?  What do you challenge yourself to?  Comment below!

If your challenge is to get crafty, swing by the store to see the AMAZING new goodies in from Sara's SPC orders!

Now go get crafty!


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