Super Saver and Super Events!

 Happy Monday! 

We loved seeing so many faces get into the holiday spirit this past weekend!  The open houses were so much fun and we are so grateful to Eileen for helping out on Saturday too!  

If you were at the store this weekend, you might have seen one of our favorite things!  The Coupon Book is back!  For $15, you get a whole year full of deals.  These Coupon Books will go so fast and are amazing stocking stuffers!  If you have someone asking for a gift idea, these are great additions!  

The coupons can be used in store AND online, if you are a distance shopper like me.  This book pays for itself in the first two months - fiscal responsiblity if I have ever seen it!  You can go ahead and grab a copy of the coupon book at this link right here or in the store.

And, you should mark your calendar for Pink Friday!  This year, we are celebrating the holiday shopping rush early.  The Friday before Black Friday, we will be having a ton of deals and steals all day long!  I got a sneak peek at the list and you absolutely NEED to make a plan to shop!  

Plus, we will have a live event with even more deals and goodies!  I love the live shopping in my jammies - it is such a treat to be able to see all the new things!  And, the great part of Pink Friday is that you are not worn out from from Thanksgiving and any other Black Friday adventures you might have!  The store will be closed on Black Friday for in person shopping, but it will be buzzing online.   

More information about Pink Friday will be coming soon, along with some sneak peeks of the sales! 

Now, go get crafty!


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