Got Weekend Plans?

I am so excited for Easter weekend - it is my absolute favorite holiday!  We always host, which means there is always company in my house from Friday to Monday... sometimes longer.  I love having people over, but I have to have a plan.  We can't just sit around and stare at each other (it NEVER ends well), so I like to have something fun to do!  

Looking for something to do this weekend?  With company or for a little me time?  Come on over to the City!  We have just the thing for you to do! 

Saturday is our VIC Sale! That means if you have a blue card, everything in the store is on sale - just for you!  All blue cards get a 25% discount and if you aren't a blue card, you are still welcome to come shop!  Come grab those things you have had your eyes on, something for a bunny basket, or come take a peek at all the new things we have coming in since Creativation!  And, Yard Sale money is in so you have some store credit to spend y'all!!!!  It is a great chance to bump into your other favorite scrappers - it will be the place to be!  Plus, I always loved sharing the store with our family and friends.  It really is my home away from home.  

Also, we have another fabulous Plannerds meeting going on!  Join us Saturday afternoon to get your planner on!  This event is free, but we do ask you RSVP so we make sure to have enough space for everyone.  Work on your planner, peruse for ideas, and check out the LEGENDARY swap table!  Seriously, you never know what kind of goodies you will find here!  Bring a friend or family member and have a crafting, bonding experience!

We can't wait to see you around the store this weekend!
Now, come get crafty!


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